Thursday, April 24, 2008

Halfway there!

I am officially half done with the last batch of ten socks to be sent to my editor.
I finished the Origami sock last evening, using the Valentina Devine method of "Creative Knitting" that I learned from her at a Stitches event years ago. Since my book is called "Knitting New Socks", I figured that this would truly be "new" to sock knitters. I actually did a pair of socks this way once, years ago, for Lion Yarns who wanted some truly different socks for a big fashion show. My husband referred to them as the "Artsy Fartsy" socks at the time. I'll have to see if I have a picture of them hiding in my computer for you to see. I can't show you the new socks as they, technically, belong to my publisher.

I am hoping to have a batch of ten socks ready to mail by next Wednesday - Thursday at the latest. I have number seven to the point where I have two inches plus one toe to go. These is the Bonsai sock and is a beautiful, leafy design lace in loden green Cherry Tree Hill Yarn. Number eight is the gold boot sock and I think I will concentrate on it next. Number nine is the denim legwarmer and number ten is the blackberry knee sock. So what am I supposed to do with the two other socks I have on needles? I got carried away and have more going than necessary! If I can finish them, I'll send twelve socks instead of the ten required. I'll bet that will be a first!

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