Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting Close -

OK - The Harmony sock done in the mulberry Lisa Souza hardtwist petite yarn is done. I just have to get the pattern into the computer and to my tester. I have two more items for the book getting fairly close to being done. One is a sport weight blackberry colored knee sock and the other is a worsted denim colored legwarmer.

The next step is to send the ten "socks" to the editor and wait to hear from her to see which ones will end up in the book and need mates knitted to go with them. Maybe I will sneak a day off (or two)and knit something I want to do rather than something "socky" for the book for a change. Then it will be back to work to knit thirty socks which I want to send in by the end of July.

Everything has to be done by August 1 and turned in. I will have to do some re-formatting of patterns but at least they are all written (and tested at that point).
Hopefully, everything will go smoothly enough to squeeze in a daily swim come warm weather. It's a good thing I am a fast knitter, huh?

I will have to write the introductions to each of the patterns. They have Japanese names and use Japanese stitches (except for the Origami sock that uses the Creative Knitting technique). Technically, the Harmony sock I just finished should be called Chouwa which is a Japanese word for harmony.

Well, back to the knitting.


Debra said...

Although we have never met,when I found your blog I felt like I found an old friend. I have always enjoyed your posts on Knitlist and was a subscriber when you're wrote about the knitting store.
Now I have your blog bookmarked so I will keep up with news of the book, congratulations!
Charlotte NC

AmyS said...

We are really going to learn a lot from your book, aren't we? I am getting so excited to see it!