Sunday, May 4, 2008

One down - twenty nine to go

I heard from my editor yesterday and will ship off the last batch of "first" socks to her on Monday. She said if I was anxious to get started on second socks, I could go ahead with the Sumo and Kabuki socks. Hooray!

I quickly printed off the patterns for those socks and got out the yarn. One of them uses very bulky yarn and I worked on it most of the day and finished it. It's going to go to her tomorrow along with the last sample batch! That means I have only twenty-nine more socks to knit for the book by the end of June.

I got out the yarn for the Kabuki socks and cast on and discovered that my pattern was incomplete - only seven rounds of twenty were written on the pattern! How could I do that? OK - no panic. I have a box of index cards that have all the patterns written on them and those are what I worked from originally. I can just look there and find it.

So - firt thing this morning, I dug through the box and found a card that said "Kabuki" on it and it's not even the right pattern! Argh!

She said she would send back the originals if I needed them so they would be sure to match but I thought I could get through them without it. If I could just see it for a minute, I would know what I did. I believe I know as I found the rib pattern I think I used but altered to some degree but can't be sure.

Well - at least one of the second socks is done!

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

It's a little late now, but I would have taken copious pictures of the socks I sent in. It helps the memory so much.