Sunday, May 25, 2008

More socks and on to intros -

I know I have been very quiet lately. I finished two (nearly three) sock mates last week and cast on for another one today. When I finish one inch of foot and a toe, I will have completed six sock mates for the book.

At my editor's urging, I wrote introductions to two of the patterns and although she found them interesting, she wanted me to add more specifics about the pattern rather than just the Japanese inspiration for it. So - I rewrote them and sent them to her. Of course it is a long weekend and she's not working so I won't hear back until after Monday sometime.

This week I am starting a toe up sock (rare for me) in birch colored Regia wool and a rose colored lace sock using yarn from I was told to get yarn from many manufacturers and I think I ended up with twenty different companies before I was done. Who knows what it will be after the new colors are chosen.

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